Literature / Videos
CrossFit Main PageCFHQ WOD's, videos and literature.
CrossFit JournalA plethora of high quality videos and excellent literature on diet/health/exercise/everything CrossFit.
SIC FITCF Videos / Lifestyle / Photos / Forums
MobilityWODBlog by Kelly Starrett, DPT. This is all you will EVER need for mobility/flexibility issues.
Robb Wolf's The Paleo SolutionThe treasure trove for Paleo dieters.
Dr. Barry Sears' Zone DietTake a look at this link (it's theory) and then go and buy one of his books. I recommend this one.
Everyday PaleoPaleo Recipes, etc.
CROSSFIT FIVESTARThis is where I train. Don't sleep.
365 Days of SquattingDave Lipson's blog dedicated to squatting at least 450# for Amanda Miller and Skin Cancer Awareness. He's a pretty funny dude.
CF Lisbeth's Words of the DayFor some inspiration...